The Offer Coaster introduces players with an exciting sequence of both free and paid offers. To access this unique feature, simply navigate to the bottom right corner of the lobby within the game.

Key Highlights of the Offer Coaster:

  1. Exciting 50-Level Offers: The Offer Coaster gives an amazing collection of 50 levels, claiming each level will unlock the next one. Whether you're looking for exciting free rewards or are interested in premium items to purchase, the Offer Coaster has it all. 

  2. 48-Hours Expiry: Each Offer Coaster lasts for a maximum duration of 48 hours. Within this timeframe, you have the opportunity to complete the entire coaster and seize all the offers available.

  1. Cooldown and New Beginnings: If you finish the current Offer Coaster before the timer expires, a new Offer Coaster will commence after a cooldown period. 

  2. Claim Rewards at every level: If you can't complete all 50 levels of the Offer Coaster within the allocated time. You'll still receive the rewards for the levels you've successfully claimed thus far.

Fig: Free and Paid rewards of Offer Coaster

Discover a treasure trove of rewards and surprises on each level. Make the most of this captivating feature and enjoy the exciting offers that await you!